Friday, January 4, 2013


It's been a long time since i wrote anything on my blog and the plan was always to write things continuously but i stopped for a moment without any reason :( maybe i'm just a bad writer and my english kind of sucks...

However i'm writing few things now and will post it/them soon.

My first post will be about TINC VPN (more info how i set up to connect my 2 computers at home, computer at work and my android phone.


Ka kalu nje kohe e gjate prej sa kam shkru diqka ne blogun tim edhe pse plani ka qen gjithmone me shkru n'kontinuitet mirpo pa ndonje arsye nuk e kam bere.

Por, jam duke i shkru disa gjera dhe do ti postoj shpejt.

Postimi i pare qe do ta bej eshte per TINC VPN (ma shum info ne, qysh e kam rregullu qe me i lidh 2 kompjuterat qe i kam ne shpi, kompjuterin ne pune edhe telefonin android.

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